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Key MODIS Scientific Publications

  Cloud Mask

  • Frey, R. A., S. A. Ackerman, Y H. Liu, K. I. Strabala, H. Zhang, J. R. Key, and X. G. Wang, 2008: Cloud detection with MODIS. Part I: Improvements in the MODIS cloud mask for collection 5. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25(7), 1057-1072.  View PDF
  • Ackerman, S. A., R. E. Holz, R. Frey, E. W. Eloranta, B. C. Maddux, and M. McGill, 2008: Cloud detection with MODIS. Part II: Validation. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25(7), 1073-1086. View PDF

Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document 

Offered below is the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Cloud Mask Product.

  • Ackerman, Frey, Strabala, Liu, Gumley, Baum, & Menzel, 2010: Discriminating Clear-Sky from Cloud with MODIS - Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document . Products: MOD35. ATBD Reference Number: ATBD-MOD-06. View PDF

 QA Plan

  • MODIS Atmosphere QA Plan for Collection 061
    (includes Cloud Optical Property update)
    Version 11 (22 Sep 2021)
    Hubanks,  View PDF