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Key MODIS Scientific Publications

  Atmospheric Profile

  • Borbas, E.E.; Menzel, P.W., 2021: Observed HIRS and Aqua MODIS Thermal Infrared Moisture Determinations in the 2000s. Remote Sens., 2021,13, 502., doi: 10.3390/rs13030502   View Abstract
  • Moeller, C., R. Frey, E. Borbas, W. P. Menzel, T. Wilson, A. Wu, X. Geng, 2017:  Improvements to Terra MODIS L1B, L2, and L3 science products through using crosstalk corrected L1B radiances, Proc. SPIE 10402, Earth Observing Systems XXII, 104020; doi: 10.1117/12.2274340.  View PDF
  • Seemann, S.W., E.E. Borbas, R.O. Knuteson, G. R. Stephenson, H.- L. Huang, 2008: Development of a global infrared land surface emissivity database for clear sky atmospheric sounding retrievals from satellite-based radiance measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,  doi:10.1175/2007JAM1590.1,Volume 47. No. 1, January 2008, 108-123.  View PDF
  • Seemann, S.W., J. Li, W.P. Menzel, and L.E. Gumley, 2003: Operational Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature, Moisture, and Ozone from MODIS Infrared Radiances. J. Appl. Meteor., 42, 1072–1091,  View PDF

Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents 

Offered below are the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents for the Profile Product.

  • Atmospheric Profile Retrieval Product   (Updated April 2011) 
    Borbas, Seemann, Kern, Moy, Li, Gumley, & Menzel   2011:
    MODIS Atmospheric Profile Retrieval - ATBD. (Collection 006)
    Products: 07_L2. View PDF

 QA Plan

  • MODIS Atmosphere QA Plan for Collection 061
    (includes Cloud Optical Property update)
    Version 11 (22 Sep 2021)
    Hubanks,  View PDF