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MODIS Standard Collection 6.0 Update

Collection 6Collection 6.0 (006) Executive Summary

The MODIS Atmosphere Team algorithm developers have released Collection 6 (C6) data. New C6 algorithms and data contain numerous improvements that took a number of years to fully develop and test. C6 processing began in late 2012 and was not fully available for all downstream L2 and L3 products until 2014.


Collection 6.0 (006) Change Documents and Media

The documents and media below describe Collection 6 (006) changes to all L2 and L3 MODIS data.

Atmosphere Team Webinar Series for C6

1. Overview of Collection 6 Atmosphere Products and Level-1B Calibration
by Steven Platnick & Jack Xiong   (06/25/2014)
View PDF 

2. Overview of Collection 6 Dark-Target Aerosol Product
by Robert Levy   (07/09/2014)
View PDF   View PPT 

3. Collection 6 Deep Blue Aerosol Products
by Andrew Sayer & Christina Hsu   (07/16/2014)
View PDF   View PPT  View Quicktime Video (audio only, first few minutes)

4. MODIS Aerosols Merged Dark Target / Deep Blue Product
by Rob Levy & Andrew Sayer   (07/16/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

5. MODIS Aerosol Dark Target 3 Km Product
by Leigh Munchak   (07/23/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

6. MOD035 Cloud Mask and Clear Sky Products
by Steve Ackerman   (08/13/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

7. MOD06 Cloud Top Properties Product
by Paul Menzel   (08/20/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

8. Data Archives and Acquisition
by Ed Masuoka   (09/10/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

9. MOD06 Cloud Optical Properties Product
by Steven Platnick   (09/17/2014)
View PDF   View Quicktime Video

10. MOD08 Level-3 (L3) Products + MODIS-Atmos website + Defn. of "Day" change
by Paul Hubanks & Bill Ridgway   (09/24/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

11. Giovanni Aerosols Express
by Jim Acker   (10/01/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

12. Resources for Finding and Using MODIS Products
by Richard Kleidman   (10/08/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video

13. MAIAC 1 Km Aerosol Product
by Alexei Lyapustin   (10/15/2014)
View PDF   View Quicktime Video

14. MOD07 Atmospheric Profiles Product
by Paul Menzel   (10/29/2014)
View PDF   View PPT   View Quicktime Video (audio only, first few minutes)



Release Announcements for C6

  • MODIS/Aqua C6 Level-2 Aerosol, Cloud, & other Products (01/09/2014) View PDF
  • MODIS/Terra & Aqua C6 Level-1; and Level-2 Cloud Mask & Atm. Profile Products (11/05/2012) View PDF

QA Plan for C6

  • MODIS-Atmosphere QA Plan C6 Update (05/05/2015, v8) View PDF


Level-2 (L2) Summary Documentation for C6

  • Aerosol (04_L2)  (v28, 04/08/2011) View PDF
  • Aerosol, Deep Blue (04_L2) (JGR, 2013) View PDF
  • Water Vapor (05_L2) (v27, 01/11/2010) View PDF
  • Cloud Optical Summary (06_L2) (final, 12/20/2013) View PDF
  • Cloud Optical User Guide (06_L2) (final v1.1, 7/2018) View PDF
  • Cloud Top & Cloud Phase (06_L2) (ATBD, 2015) View PDF
  • Cloud Top (06_L2) (v28, 04/11/2011) View PDF
  • Cloud Top (06_L2) (PPT, 05/08/2012) View PDF
  • Profiles (07_L2) (v29, 12/26/2013) View PDF
  • Profiles (07_L2) (PPT, 06/22/2012) View PDF
  • Cloud Mask (35_L2) (v28, 04/13/2011) View PDF
  • Cloud Mask (35_L2) (ATBD, 2010) View PDF
  • Cloud Mask (35_L2) (PPT, 05/08/2012) View PDF
  • Joint L2 (ATML2) (SDSs, 12/24/2013) View PDF

Level-2 (L2) File Specifications for C6

  • CDL File Spec for L2 Aerosol Product (04_L2) (03/21/2013) View TXT
  • CDL File Spec for L2 Cloud Product (06_L2) (03/28/2013) View TXT


Level-3 (L3) Summary Documentation for C6

Image link to L3 Statistics table c6

  • L3 Global Daily (08_D3) - SDS Inventory Table (Final C6) View PDF
  • Aerosol (04) to L3 Global (08) Parameter Mapping (Final C6) View PDF
  • L3 Global (08) High-Level Change Summary/Status (Final C6) View PDF
  • L3 Global ATBD & Users Guide (February 2019) View PDF

Level-3 (L3) File Specifications for C6

  • CDL File Spec for L3 Daily (08_D3) (9/14/2014, v3035) View TXT
  • CDL File Spec for L3 Eight Day (08_E3) & Monthly (08_M3) (9/14/2014, v3035) View TXT

C6 Definition of Day Correction/Fix Documentation (Four Panel Presentation by Bill Ridgway)

  • C6 Definition of Day Change (Impacts L3, especially Daily (08_D3))   View Documentation