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DOI Reference

MODIS Atmosphere L2 Joint Product 

Data Object Identifier System

Dataset Short Name:
MODATML2 (Terra Platform)
MYDATML2 (Aqua Platform)

Dataset Long Name:
MODIS/Terra Level-2 (L2) Joint Atmosphere Product
MODIS/Aqua Level-2 (L2) Joint Atmosphere Product
(Swath, 5km and 10km Resolution)
(5 minute time-period HDF files)

Terra  (Day Overpass: ~1030 LST, Descending Node, Equator ... Night Overpass: ~2230 LST, Ascending Node, Equator)
Aqua  (Day Overpass: ~1330 LST, Ascending Node, Equator ... Night Overpass: ~0130 LST, Descending Node, Equator)

MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)

Product Description:
MODATML2 and MYDATML2 contains a combination of key high interest science parameters. The ATML2 product provides a subset of datasets from the suite of MODIS Atmosphere team products on both 5km scale (native 5 km cloud properties and a 5x5 pixel sample of the 1km cloud datasets) and a 10 km scale (aerosols). The sampling of 1 km datasets is consistent with the team's L3 algorithm (using the pixel 4, 9 in the along-track direction for each 10 km scan in order to avoid contiguous dead 500 m band 6 pixels on the Terra instrument.

C6 significantly increases the number of datasets included in the ATML2 product, including the full suite of QA datasets. Since the ATML2 data granule file size is significantly smaller than the combined size of the individual L2 products, and because the 1 km pixel sampling is consistent with the L3 algorithm, the ATML2 product is a more practical means for the user community to develop research L3 algorithms for their own specific purposes.

Production Frequency:
~288 files per day

Spatial Coverage:

Spatial Resolution:
5x5 km at nadir
10x10 km at nadir

File Size:
~8 MB (maximum)

Related Links:
(MODIS Atmosphere Joint Product site)

Data Authors:
Dr. Steve Platnick

Dataset Originator/Creator:
MODIS Atmosphere Science Team
MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS)


When Using Collection 6.0 Data:  Collection 006 (C6)

To determine the Collection version of the data you used or are using, look at the HDF filename. If there is a ".006." field in the HDF filename, then it's Collection 6.0 data.

Dataset DOI:   (Data Object Identifier) (Terra) (Aqua)


(We kindly request that you cite the use of any Collection 6.0 MODIS Cloud data in a publication using the following wording)

Platnick, S., M. King, B. Wind, W. Ridgway, 2015. MODIS Atmosphere L2 Joint Atmosphere Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, [doi:10.5067/MODIS/MODATML2.006; doi:10.5067/MODIS/MYDATML2.006]


When Using Collection 6.1 Data:  Collection 061 (C61)

To determine the Collection version of the data you used or are using, look at the HDF filename. If there is a ".061." field in the HDF filename, then it's Collection 6.1 data. 

Dataset DOI:   (Data Object Identifier) (Terra) (Aqua)


(We kindly request that you cite the use of any Collection 6.1 MODIS Cloud data in a publication using the following wording)

Platnick, S., M. King, B. Wind, W. Ridgway, 2017. MODIS Atmosphere L2 Joint Atmosphere Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, [doi:10.5067/MODIS/MODATML2.061; doi:10.5067/MODIS/MYDATML2.061]


Note the DOI (Data Object Identifier) system was not used previous to Collection 6.0 (006).